Shodo Live Streaming in May2020 / 2020年5月の書道ライブ
+ 1st May (Friday) 16.00 - 17.00 🇩🇪 time

Manga "Barakamon" Team
Talk about Manga "Barakamon" by Barakamon Team:
Thea translator julia (Japanese ⇒ German) from Wien and the calligraphy artist Yuki, of the Logo for german version.
* 3rd May (Sunday) 11:00-12:00 🇩🇪 time
Youtube Live Steam "Kanji"
😸Hier you can get infos about Japanese Calligraphy from Bremen, Germany.
The topic on 3rd May 2020: about "Kanji" Eg. the origin of Kanji characters with a few pictures, how they are evolved. Or how they look with the brush-writting as calligraphy, etc.

Instagram Collabo Live
The first Collabo with Mami Mitui and me, Yuki Klink from Japan, near Hiroshima, a teacher of Calligraphy and Japanese language
By Instagram
*the Netabare-script

Instagram Collabo Live
japanese calligraphy artists
Kishin Kamei and Yuki Klink
from Kumamoto, Japan and Bremen Germany.
Thema "Mother's Day"

Youtube Live Streaming "Hiragana"
😸Hier you can get infos about Japanese Calligraphy from Bremen, Germany.
The topic on 17th May 2020:
about " Hiragana" Eg. the origin of Hiragana characters with a few old letters, how they are evolved.
Or how they look with the brush-writting as calligraphy, etc.
Instagram Live Streaming "Yuki.Mami.Collabo"
The second collabo live streamning of the
Japanese and Shodo-teacher Mami from Iwakuni, near Hiroshima, Japan
and the Calligraphy artist Yuki from Bremen, Germany.
Talk about learning japanese language and calligaphy.
* 30. May (Saturday) 16:00-17:00 🇩🇪 time

Live streaming of two Shodo Calligraphy artists:
Kishin Kamei from Kumamoto, Japan and
Yuki Klink aus Bremen, Deutschland
We'll present you our calligraphy artworks by live.
*Special offer: only 10,000 ¥ / 90,- € (Shipping fee not included) for each work if you order while the live streaming and 24 hours after the streaming.
3 Kommentare:
I look forward to see them! ^^ - Richard
I look forward to see them! ^^ -Richard
I did not notice about your comments, sorry 💦
Thanks a lot!
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