
Japanese Art Exhibition in Helsinki "Zen and Dragon - Japanilaistataidetta"

SHIHOMI from Tokyo, Japan and I, YUKI from Bremen, Germany
exhibit our artworks in Helsinki, Finland!!

Japanese zen and dragons connecting west and east.
Our first attempt! Heading to Helsinki this summer 2023 !

Japanese Art Exhibition in Helsinki "Zen and Dragon - Japanilaistataidetta"

It took over one year to prepare for this exhibition and event. We met through Zoom from Finland, Japan and here in Germany every month.

Shihomi stayed 2 months in Finland for the exhibition this summer, I could be there only 2 weeks (for me, max.).
We decorated our exhibition by ourselves with much help from the staffs of Lapinlahti. They are all very kind!

On Aug.17. at the "Art-Night-Helsinki" we could present our opening ceremony. We practiced Samurai-dance extra for the ceremony.
Amazingly the big hall was full with over 100 visitors!

After the opening we
We showed and explained our works during a tour of the exhibition,
and people were very interested in it.

Once we had the "Harvest Festival '', an event of Lapinlahti, with a nice music band, and we presented the Samurai dance there again.

Shihomi was at the exhibition and talked with the visitors. I could only be there for about 10 days but it was totally impressive experience for me.

Gallery and Yuki's Works

About the Zen works

"禅 Zen" derives from "dhyana" in Sanskrit and "jhana" in Pali and means "a state of mind without excitement (to be completely still)".W
hen Buddhism migrated to China, the kanji character "禅那 Zena" was used. Eventually the "那Na" dropped and became the word "禅Zen".

The goal of Zen today is to return to one's original self.

Focus on "I am here now" and carry out your daily actions carefully.

There is a secret to keeping the mind still, so one can think as well...

*** Here are typical examples.

道 / Way
Yuki Klink 2023

【道/Way】 The path: Whether you like it or not, all living beings follow the path they live on. What this path will look like depends on the one who walks it.

挑 / Challenge
Yuki Klink 2023

【挑/Challenge】 Challenge: Even if the rock that should reach the top drops at the bottom of the mountain, it's not easy to try again, but it's possible.

続 / Continue
Yuki Klink 2023

【続/Continue】 Continue: Even if you fail repeatedly, you try to continue again. There has to be something that can only be grasped by moving on.


Zen Art Exhibition in Lapinlahden Lähde Helsinki
17.08. - 06.09.2023

Yuki's Event: Live Writing and Workshops


Zen and Dragon Japanilaistataidetta
Japanese Art exhibition in Helsinki,
Yuki's Workshop


11:00 Live Writing

The place where I was supposed to present the event was already occupied. That's why I did it in corridor. It was a bit tight but it worked.
I told a little about Shodo-Japanese calligraphy, wrote some Letters with "water writing seats" and
I led the people outside and did Japanese gymnastics with them.

14:00 Zen-Tanzaku workshop the first group with 【明珠在掌/ A precious treasure lies in your hand】

Zen-Tanzaku workshop the second group with 【一華開五葉 / A flower with 5 wisdom blooms】

Contents of the Workshop:
3 Minutes Zazen ( Zen meditation), explain about the meaning of the samples, how to write the strokes, about materials and finally everyone wrote the Zen words on 3 beautiful Tanzaku papers.

Thank you all for visiting us to the exhibition and events in Lapinlahti Helsinki in this summer 2023! kiitos Paljon!

In the summer 2024 you can see Shihomi & her sisters works there again.

Japanese gymnastics

Zen Workshop first group

Zen Workshop second group


Zen and Dragon Japanilaistataidetta
Japanese Art exhibition in Helsinki,
Yuki's Workshop

Greetings at the opening in Finnish

Suomalainen puhe itsensä esittely Esittelyssä Yuki

hyvää Iltaa!

Minä olen hyvin iloinen, että sain mahdollisuuden pitää nayttelyn suomessa.

Minä olen Yuki, japanilainen taiteilija asun Breminissa, Sakassaa.

Tapaisin viimme vuonna japanilaisen tateilijan Shihomin Tokyossa ja siella syntyi ajatus pitää yhteinen nayttely.

Kolme vuotta sitten olin suomen opettajani Pirjon kansa
(jonka opin tuuteman Breeminissa)
suomen matkala.

Ja siloin teimme päiväletken Lapinlahteen ja olin ihastnut tämän paikan tunnelmasta.

Kiitän kaikkia organisatoreita avusta!

Jotka kuukausittain pitivat digitaalista yhteytta kansani.

Toivotän teille miellenkiin toista näutteluä.

Nauttikaa illasta!


more infos:

Lapin Lahden Lähde (Finnisch)

Ihmisiä Lähteellä: Yuki Klink ja Shihomi Homma

(Finish & English / Facebook page of Lapinlahden Lähde)

Yuki Klink and Shihomi Homma: Zen and Dragon (Facebook)

Workshop on August 19. with SHIHOMI (Dragon Pictures)

Workshop on August 26. with YUKI (Zen Calligraphy)

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