Ausstellung "Autumn Breeze"
4.-19. September 2021
Origamiya Galerie
Am Dobben 87, 28203 Bremen
Samstag + Sonntag
15-18 Uhr
der 16 japanische
Kalligraphie Künstler
und 17 Werke*
Die Ausstellung "Autumn Breeze" ist als eine Veranstaltung der
Jubiläumsveranstaltung 160 Jahre Freundschaft Japan - Deutschland von
Japanischem Konsulat anerkannt worden!!
Die Generalkonsulin Faru Kato wird die Ausstellung besuchen!
Ausstellung "Autumn Breeze" im Origamiya Galerie in Bremen
*Nach der Reihenfolge, die Werke abgegeben wurden.
Chiharu Ayatou
aus Osaka
This works called "豆書 mamesho". Mamesho is palm size . So,very small works. This is Chiharudou's original works. This kanji means "Cosmos”. I like autumn sky.So,I want to send Japan autumn sky to Germany😊
I am Japanese calligrapher. I keep calligraphy class "千晴堂 chiharudou" in Japan. Now,I open a school in my house and online school. I want to write Kanji many people.
Takashi Kitamura (1)
aus Chiba
Takashi Kitamura (2)
aus Chiba
Danke Schön
aus Shizuoka
Houin is a calligrapher born and raised in Shizuoka, Japan.
He learned calligraphy from an early age and is posting his artpieces of calligraphy with messages on Instagram.
He is the initiator of "#Towards Dreams Project", which aims to bring the world together in peace through conveying artpieces resonating in many hearts.
"Love of wind"
Various shapes of LOVE are existing...
May your heart feels filled with warm love like a gentle and soft breeze..
Wish the world be without tragedies and full of smiles on more people.
aus Saitama
aus Tokio
wrote 緊張
ice. I tried
to express the feelings of anxiety and swetting when people get
Kokoro. I started to learn calligraphy
last year. Currently I live in Tokyo with my Australian husband and
our son.
Goyou Kurihara
aus Nagoya
The autumn sky is forever clear
Kyoukou Maki
aus Kyoto
Introduction of work
Title:【Dreams written with Peacock Brush】
One day 15 years ago,I told myself one that "I will definitely become a calligraphy teacher!" I went to Kyoto Kitano Tenmangu Shrine on the Tenjin San's day (god of academics), which is on 25th of every month, and bought a very special brush made from the feathers of a peacock, went home and wrote "Dream" using that very brush!
And guess what?! ... my dream of becoming a calligraphy teacher came true that autumn!
My mission and motto: "If you keep trying, your dreams will come true!", which is also my mission's symbol.
Currently, I am taking on the challenge of further "dreams".
am confident that this exhibition will
represent a new start!!
My name is Maki
(pseudonym: kyoukou.maki).
I'm an artist born in a family owning a Kimono business in Kyoto, Japan.(and also a Calligrapher, engraving artist, disposable chopstick calligrapher, kimono consultant and flower ceremony teacher)
From an early age, I have been able to experience the true Japanese culture (kimono, Japanese dance, calligraphy, flower arrangement, tea ceremony) and was brought up with a great deal of sensibility, in an environment abundant in art and beauty.
Currently, I am focusing on the professional training of Japanese calligraphers and I am working on creative activities, using my intuition, so that the lives of everyone I have been related to and become acquainted with my art, can feel reacher and happier.
aus Kyoto
Wings Like flapping the sky
大空に翼をつけて 羽ばたくように
Sayaka Kato
aus Tokio
It is shell painting.
“How forlorn the autumn.
Rustling through the leaves,
going deep into the mountains,
I hear the lonely deer
belling for his doe.”
Alan Colombo
aus Milano, Italien
The autumn sun sets as quickly as a bucket dropping into a well.
sole d' autunno tramonta veloce come il secchio che cade nel pozzo]
aus Amsterdam
My name is Ikuo Kogure and my artist name is Raishin.
I started calligraphy at the age of 5 when I started taking calligraphy classes at a place in my neighbourhood and although there was a pause in my practicing it, I have been self-taught for a total of about 20 years.
I live in Amsterdam (22nd year) in the Netherlands 🇳🇱, and I work in translating peoples names into kanji and hand it in a frame, using Japanese fabric for the middle frame, as well as other activities to spread the goodness of Japanese calligraphy and ink work.
Title [Red-Heart]
In Japan, there is the expression "long autumn night".
Literally, you can enjoy reading books, watching movies and music because you feel that autumn nights are long.
Or enjoy a long phone call with a friend.
However, nowadays we mostly communicate through written messages, not by directly listening to someone’s voice and in this way having the chance to really feel their state of mind and well being.
The expression "puts the red heart in the other person's heart" is used. It means revealing yourself to the other person so that you can place your truth in the other person's heart.
It's a very nice and favourite expression in Japan.
And I think it is probably the most important thing in this era of speed and disconnect among people.
This expression came to me when I was told about this exhibition. I chose it and wrote it with all my heart.
Kosen Sakaguchi
aus Tokio
In Japan, there has been a custom of loving the moon in autumn since ancient times.
the pattern of the moon looks like a rabbit, it has been said that
'there is a rabbit in the moon'
since ancient times in Asia.
I am a Japanese woman working for a pharmaceutical company for about 20 years.
Also I am studying to become a professional Japanese calligrapher in the future.
I have visited Germany several times on business.
I love German Christmas market and also white sausages as well.
Kofu Honda
aus Saitama
Cochou Sato
aus Tokio
Ouyou Mitsui
aus Iwakuni
「Red dragonfly」
Japanease Calligrapher 🌸 Ouyou🌸
Iwakuni City, Yamaguchi Prefecture
Futaba Sakura from Futaba Calligraphy Association organizer
From Japanese to foreigners City area is open
🔸 July 2009: Japanese Calligraphy Association Guidance license
🔸 December 2016: Futaba Calligraphy Association Guidance license
🔸 Training from Japanease Calligrapher Soyo Takeda
From August 2014 to August 2020
書道家 🌸桜葉(Ouyou)🌸
ふたば書道会 ふたばの櫻主宰
🔸2009年 7月:日本習字師範 取得
🔸2016年12月:ふたば書道会初等師範 取得
aus Shizuoka

Veranstaltungen während der Ausstellung
5. (So) 16:00-16:30 Uhr ★Instagram Live mit der Gäste aus Japan
11. (Sa) 15:30 – 17:30 Uhr ★“Kimono Selfi“ (15,. €)
18. (Sa) 16:00-16:30 ★Instagram Live mit der Gäste aus Japan
5.-19. (Sa+So) 16:30-17:30 Uhr ★Kalligraphie Vorführung „Ihr Name auf Japanisch Hiragana“
★★Corona- Schutzmassnahmen★★
- Die Kursteilnehmer erfüllen bitte eines der 3 G - Regeln.
- Ankleiden der Kimonos mit Maske
- Die Kursleiter-In ist geimpft
Text über die Ausstellung "Autum Breeze"
Greetings Consul General KATO Kikuko Calligraphy Exhibition "Autumn Breeze" Origamiya Gallery Bremen
Veranstaltungen während der Ausstellung
Über die einzelne Künstler und Werke
やまとの秋風展 募集要項
書道展 "やまとの秋風"
15-18時 (日本時間はプラス7時間)期間中のイベント
5(日)16:00-16:30 インスタライブ
11(土)15:30-17:30 着物セルフィ
18(土)16:00-16:30 インスタライブ
期間中、16:30-17:30 お名前ライブ書き

Bis Sonntag 19.09. 15-18 Uhr
Durch los kann der Besucher diese spezielle Jubiläumstasche gewinnen!!
3-G-Regeln und bitte Medizinische Maste tragen!
Japanische Kalligraphie Meisterin
Yuki Sekikawa-Klink